Thursday, January 11, 2007

George Bush speaking to troops at Fort Benning, giving an even more pathetic speech than last night!

I hope everyone is watching Bush speak to troops at Fort Benning, Georgia. He, for whatever reason, once again brought up the attacks of September 11, 2001 (oh yeah, it's that GOP fear tactic, again) and said of the attacks:

"I knew the American psyche, being what it is, that people would forget."

He went on to say:

"As a matter of fact, I was hoping they would forget."

Oh? Were you?

He's telling the soldiers watching that he wished we could have completed the task in Iraq, but:

"Despite the remarkable progress, 2006 turned out different than I anticipated."

Remarkable REGRESSION is more like it, and if he uses the words "secretarian violence" one more time, I'm going to puke!

"Failure in Iraq would be a disaster to our future," he says, and goes on to say (again) "failure in Iraq could lead to disaster here at home," and he's right. George Bush FAILING to realize that HE'S losing in Iraq will CONTINUE to make for American disaster in the form of troop deaths, on top of the absurd monetary cost of the war.

Give me a break Bush! JUST RESIGN NOW!!!!

UPDATE: Bush promised to work with the troops and Congress to make sure the service members have everything they need. That's already been established as a bold faced LIE.


JPRS2010 said...

One thing that keeps jumping out at me: GWB's "confession" about "mistakes" only relates to 2006. The GWB subtext is--"everyone agrees things were going great, but then we hit 2006. There were a lot of problems that happened. It was a disaster. I take full responsibility. But now it's time to get back on track and make all of the awe-inspiring progress that we were making from 2003 until 2006."

It's a B.S. narrative. In fact, since May 2003, I can't recall a single major move that the GWB Bush administration has made that has actually improved the situation in Iraq; I can not recall a single promise to the American people that has been fullfilled.

Terry Carter said...

I can think of one, the promise that it will be a "tough road." Lol

JPRS2010 said...

Was the "tough road" ahead at the Mission Accomplished ceremony?

I'm still waiting for the self-financing reconstruction, and the 6 month draw-down from 2003.

Phriendly Jaime said...

The reason that 2006 is the only year that was bad for Bush is bc the evil Democrats took over, in his eyes. I watched that speech last night, and I couldn't help but think that the only reaon he gave it was to try to convince America that it is actually NOT his job as CIC to create a plan for Iraq, and to make sure that he has a history book speech ready for if and when he looks like huge failure (done and done, imo). He knows that 70 years from now, we won't be around to trash him and some books will call him great. Despicable.

On another note-I went to the whitehouse site today bc I wanted to see all of Bush's state of the union addresses and print them out to see how they are all pretty much the same. Guess what? You cannot get the past transcripts, just wonderful summaries someone put together that make him sound great. Unbelievable.

Lastly, is ANY Republican blogger defending him? BC I haven't seen it. Seems like the wrong-o-sphere is strangely quiet on this one...

Terry Carter said...

"Lastly, is ANY Republican blogger defending him? BC I haven't seen it. Seems like the wrong-o-sphere is strangely quiet on this one... "

Not much you can say when all he did was HARP on the same crap he (and most GOP bloggers too) always does. "America is threatened" "failure in Iraq will surely mean the death of you and your entire family..."