Thursday, February 08, 2007

Falwell has his eyes on '08, wants to turn the clock back, way back

Wow, Jerry Falwell isn't dead yet? Nope, he's still promoting hatred of gays, blacks, woman, and doing all those other things religious zealots love him for. He's got his little bigot heart set on keeping a Republican in the White House come 2008 too.

His influence may be diminished but his zeal is undaunted. Evangelist Jerry Falwell is on a mission to keep a like-minded Republican in the White House and get at least one more conservative judge on the Supreme Court.

Despite his years in the trenches of America's culture wars, Falwell -- who founded the Moral Majority political movement in 1979 and helped propel the rise of the religious right -- said a major victory in his broader crusade to restore the country's moral righteousness has so far eluded him.

Falwell went on to say that he felt the 1930s and 1940s brought out the best in America:

By a long road back Falwell was referring to his youth in the 1930s and 1940s -- a period he feels brought out the best in a strong nation that adhered to "old fashioned values."

Yeah, because beating your wife, and dieing of polio were such good times, right!?

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