Sunday, February 11, 2007

Obama officially in; Fox News touts Giuliani as a great executive

This shouldn't really come as a surprise to anyone - On Illinois Senator Barack Obama's "big day" yesterday in which he officially stepped into the ring of 2008 Democratic Presidential candidates, Fox "we distort, you comply" News was busy touting what a great "executive" Rudy Giuliani is:

All of this airing on what's supposed to be a "business" program on a supposed "Fair and Balanced" network. Like I said though, it doesn't surprise me, since Fox News has already proven it has such disdain for the Illinois Senator that it's willing to do anything to smear him, even spreading lies and false rumors. Then there was Rupert Murdoch admitting the FNC network he owns supported the Bush Middle East policy, and tried to shape the agenda on the war in Iraq.

Regardless, here's a clip of Obama's rally yesterday in Springfield where his political career began 10 years ago:

I definitely prefer candidates holding rallies to announce their candidacy as opposed to doing so in a boring, "lifeless" video they post to their website. Thoughts?

UPDATE: Huffington Post blogger Lawrence O'Donnell has some interesting analysis suggesting that Giuliani's run for President may actually contribute to a Democratic victory in 2008.

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