Friday, November 17, 2006

Blogger problems!!!!

As you can already see (provided you're not reading this over a news feed), I'm having problems with the html for the site template, and I have been ALL morning. I logged on this morning and all of a sudden everything has been thrown out of whack. I've been having problems with blogger for the past week, mainly involving my site feed getting completely messed up (I'm still not quite sure how to fix that). I was thinking about switching to a Word Press blog, but I have two things holding me back, the first being that I'm relatively new, and am just now starting to gain incoming links and readership, and switching URL's wouldn't help. The second reason is I've heard Word Press isn't as user friendly, and doesn't have as many customization options as Blogger does, perhaps someone can give me a 'Yay' or 'nay' on that?

So, alas, I've been wanting to customize my blog template for a couple of weeks now and I figure now is as good a time as any (since I can't figure out what's wrong with the current script anyway), so, I'll be working on that *all* day.

By the way, if anyone can offer any tips, suggestions, or simply wants their blog added to my blog roll, please feel free to Email me!

I'll post later on today when I'm done!

UPDATE: Okay, I've done all I'm going to do for now, all I was really able to do was fix the HTML problems with the template, upgrade to "blogger beta," which added an Atom feed link to the bottom of the page, and added a few links to the right side of the page.


Anonymous said...

Wordpress, whether on their servers (like Blogger) or on your own hosted site, is INSANELY customizeable. The support community is great, as well. And there are literally 1000's of plugins that you can use.

Two huge thumbs-up in my book.

Jason Kenney said...

I've always liked blogger, it does the job. WP has more bells and whistles but I just can't get into it.

I think Blogger might just be wacky since they've changed a bit of their interface over the last couple days. I may be fine shortly (one hopes).

Terry Carter said...

Hmm, thanks guys, I think I'll be staying put for now, unless anyone has suggestions on how to EASILY transfer over to WordPress. My main concern now is building readership and I don't want to be switching so soon after starting up.

And by the way, the switch to the "beta" template was pretty easy(so far)...I'm still browing the web for BETTER templates.

Vivian J. Paige said...

Terry - has an import function so that you don't lose your blog. You can import the entire thing.

I've been quite happy at (Note that this is NOT the self-hosted type. Unfortunately, the plug-ins Jamie refers to only apply to the self-hosed blogs.)

If you are going to swirch, now's the time, before you build up your site so much.

Terry Carter said...

Thanks Vivian. The only problem I seem to be having now is figuring out Blogger's insane site feeds that they use. Ugh.