Thursday, November 09, 2006


Senator John Warner(R-VA) introduced OUTGOING Senator George Allen, along with Susan Allen and his youngest daughter Brooke, carrying that damn football (I swear I'm so glad I don't have to see him carrying that thing around anymore like Linus with a damn blanket). Allen thanked many people including his wife, John Warner, God, and his campaign staff. He said "The people of Virginia have spoken and I respect their decision..." "today I have called Jim Webb and his team and congratulated them on their victory." Allen pledged full cooperation in the transition. "For about the better part of 13 years Susan and I have very much appreciated having the responsibility of serving the people of Virginia in the United States Senate and as governor."

Per the recount, Allen said he would not ask for one.

He then threw a football into the crowd. Jim Webb is expected to speak at about 4:15pm in Arlington.

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