Wednesday, November 08, 2006


Reaffirming what we already knew...


George Allen is reported to have said he is disinclined to ask for a recount, and will reportedly offer a concession speech tomorrow (11.9.06) evening provided that the margin does not shrink significantly. The vote margin currently sits at +7,316 for Senator elect Jim Webb!

UPDATE: REUTERS and NBC are also BOTH now calling the election for Senator elect Jim Webb!
UPDATE #2: Webb campaign will hold a press conference tomorrow at noon, presumably to do what he has already more or less done: declare victory.
UPDATE #3: Harry Reid to hold press conference tomorrow to essentially declare victory within the Senate.
UPDATE #4: CBS has called the race for JIM WEBB!

After getting only about 3 hours of sleep last night, I'm about to call it a night a little early this evening. I'll be updating frequently tomorrow as once again, Allen is expected to concede, and Webb expected to hold a press conference as well.

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