Friday, November 24, 2006

Daily RunDown: Black Friday and soccer moms on meth

Fist fight at Roanoke Best Buy - Richmond Times Dispatch

Dollar falls against both Euro, and Pound - New York Times

Slow news day, CNN pays man to hold himself up in building (I'm kidding, of course)- Associated Press

Wal Mart hungover from holiday - Associated Press

Mitt Romney REALLY wants to put bigotry to a public vote - New York Times

Final thoughts on Black Friday: As one economist said yesterday, I don't think the American people should feel responsible to hold the economy up by going out and spending massive amounts of money, that a lot of times they DON'T HAVE. Putting yourself into DEBT is only going to drag on the economy in the long run (hm, maybe Republicans still haven't learned this concept?). Furthermore, the whole idea of "buy American" is ridiculous if you believe in a free market, and capitalism. BUY AMERICAN only if the AMERICAN product is of good quality at a good price!!!!

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