Wednesday, November 29, 2006

The Daily RunDown: Diplomatic gay porn!!!

Yeah, we can't decide which one is more disturbing either!!! - Wonkette

HAHAHA, we're better than (most) other states! - Richmond Times Dispatch

We suck your soul for less, except in San Diego! - Associated Press

Tim Kaine set to revisit transportation problem (I mean, eventually we knew someone would get around to it, right!?) - Richmond Times Dispatch

The new weapons of mass destruction. - CNN

Unelectable candidate bows out; nation lets out sigh of relief. - Tokatakiya | Washington Post

I can smell Virginia's credit rating dropping at the mere mention of the name. - Not Larry Sabato

I still don't think the VB Dems have thanked Bearing Drift; people everywhere left in suspense - Bearing Drift

Mel Gibson working on forming bigotry network. - Associated Press

Fox News and SWACgirl in bed together again; both believe Liberal agenda OUT TO GET THEM! - News Hounds

And finally tonight, two "public service announcements," so to speak. First off, a very sincere congratulations to the Kenney family, which welcomed a new Republican into the world Monday. I do not personally know either of the Kenney's, but I read both Shaun's, and Jason's blog fairly regularly. So, congratulations to both the proud new Uncle, and Father.

Second, I've already posted this once today, but in case anyone missed it, check out RVA Blogs to find out how to "help Virginia read."

2006 RVABlogs Winter Charity

With Christmas fast approaching, I think I am going to begin trying to link to at least a few different charities each week, either within posts (like this one), or off to the right on the sidebar. If you know of any you want to suggest, please feel free to shoot me an email! Obviously we can't all make contributions to every charity, but hopefully we can all find a way to help out someone less fortunate than ourselves this holiday season! Every little bit counts!


Tokatakiya said...

Thanks for the link, I'm honored you thought my title was Wonkette-ish.

Also, thanks for reminding me, I wanted to link to some charities myself.

My two favorites are Save the Children ( and the American Cancer Society (

Anonymous said...

smell a credit rating?
ahhhhh but can you smell a car tax cut and a greasy smile?