Saturday, November 04, 2006

Democrats launch nationwide ad "blitz"

I posted this yesterday, but apparantly Blogger felt the need to completely delete it, or lose it somewhere in cyberspace. Let's hope they get a handle on things, eh?

Anyway, the Democrats launched a massive ad offensive yesterday, some of which targeted Christian radio stations and Christian voters who in the past have supported GOP candidates. One particular ad targeted representative Marilyn Musgrave(R) from Colorado's 4th district, claiming she has been working overtime for special interest groups. The most recent poll in that race has Musgrave leading by 1 percent over Democratic challenger Angie Paccione.

I'd also just like to remind everyone that when Howard Dean took over as the DNC chair he promised to compete in every race, and field candidates in every race, and he's following through. I love you Governor Dean, despite Fox News' 3 year long smear campaign against you.

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