Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Did Fox News pay $2 million for release of two reporters?

Oh, this is rich!! Apparently, the terrorist organization(s) responsible for kidnapping Steve Centanni and Olaf Wiig (an FNC journalist, and photographer, respectively), were paid $2 million for the release of the two men. It is important to point out, however, that the organization(s) simply claim the money came from a "U.S. source," which may or may not have been Fox News.

Similar articles can be found here from "America Blog," and here from "World Net Daily."

Another interesting part of this story unfolds here where an internal memo from Fox News Channel President Roger Ailes blast the WND saying:

"I just saw an article on the internet from by Aaron Klein which claims we paid $2 million in hostage money during the Centanni & Wiig kidnapping crisis. The story is absolutely 100% false. Not a cent of hostage money was paid, and it was never considered'..."

Once again, Mr. Ailes NO ONE said Fox News necessarily paid the ransom, just that the money came from a "US SOURCE." Maybe Roger Ailes needs to take a course in reading comprehension, si?

I should also point out (simply in order to protect myself), that I don't know how credible these articles may be. That's not to say the news organizations responsible aren't credible, just that, well, I'm not familiar with them.

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