Thursday, November 16, 2006

Gas prices going up following Democratic victory!

I'm glad to hear I'm not the only person who noticed this. Huffington Post reporter David Goldstein is reporting gas prices near him have increased by about a dime since the election. Prices are up in Oregon and California as well, according to the article.

I live just outside of Richmond's city limits in Henrico county, and gas prices just before the election had fallen below two dollars, down about one dollar from their Summer highs. However, they've gone up anywhere between 10-15 cents since the election on November 7. At one gas station in Massaponax, I noticed prices up over TWENTY CENTS! Do the math: that's about a 10 percent increase, in just over a week.

I'd also like to point out that according to contributions from "big oil companies" in 2006 to Republicans so far total about: $11,849,320, in 2004 the number was $20,587,439, and in 2002: $19,896,682! Compare these numbers to their contributions to Democrats which broke down like this: in 2006 (so far) a mere $2,380,812, in 2004 donations totaled $5,037,885, and in 2002 just $5,012,632. In fact, from 1998 to 2004, the top FIVE candidates who received most from "big oil" companies were Republicans, including Tom Delay (R-TX) who received $498,375 in contributions. Tom Delay, now THAT'S someone Exxon-Mobil should be proud to be affiliated with. Check out the entire top ten:

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