Monday, November 06, 2006

Mark Warner encourages Virginians to VOTE NO to ballot question #1!!!!

In an email letter Warner wrote the following:
Please join me tomorrow in voting NO on Ballot Question #1, the so-called marriage amendment.

Most Virginians are not aware of the broad scope and true impact of the amendment. This proposed amendment to our Bill of Rights goes well beyond simply defining marriage as between a man and a woman.

The proposed amendment is written in vague and ambiguous language that will have unintended and serious consequences for all unmarried Virginians.

The amendment threatens to:

1. Interfere with the ability of public and private employers to offer domestic health benefits to any unmarried domestic partners, which many employers currently do. 2. Bar persons in unmarried relationships from going to court to enforce any financial or other agreements that define the relationship between them.

A recent Washington Post opinion stated that "legal rights and protections would be imperiled for an estimated 130,000 unmarried couples in the state, nearly 90 percent of whom are heterosexual."

I ask you that you vote NO.

If you need information about the campaign, please visit, email or call 703-442-9590.

Please go to the polls on November 7th and get your family and friends to do the same. It’s been a long campaign and it will be over in a few days. With your help, we’ll make the last day count.


Governor Mark Warner


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