Wednesday, November 29, 2006

New plan: Blame Iraq!!!!!

Seems Iraqi's are now being blamed for the problems in Iraq.

The Bush administration has blamed just about everyone there is to blame, and used just about every excuse there is to use. Who will be blamed next!? Wait, blame MySpace!!

United States to do list:
Invade country.
Overthrow government.
Watch as chaos ensues.
Watch as country sinks into civil war.
Blame citizens of said country.

But hey, just like Donald Rumsfeld said in 2003 after the Iraqi National Museum was ransacked, and looted: "Stuff happens!"


Mosquito said...

New Plan my ass....LOL..another "low hunger security" linguistic coverup....oh Bush...he has gone around the bend.....

I so agree about Bush's inability to act like a grown up and take I said yesterday,

Meanwhile in Bush World, the Bush diplomacy continues with no recognition of what the United States has done to Iraq, the Iraqi's, and the people living in the Mid East Region. Bush refuses to acknowledge the damage and chaos that is the result of his actions--the illegal invasion of Iraq. Everyone is to blame except for George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Dick Rumsfeld, Condeleeza Rice and their minions.

Now George W. Bush expects the major victims of his failed plans--the Iraqi's--to create the solution. The "minor" victims--the American people--will continue to put their lives on the line and "foot the bill." This sounds like the expectations of someone who has been protected from accountability and responsibility for his entire lifetime.


Terry Carter said...

Nice. Thanks for commenting :-)