Monday, November 27, 2006

UPDATE: Virginia right wing blogger fuming mad over movie; attempting to smear this blog

When confronted with facts and a reasonable argument, SWACgirl has now reverted to typical GOP tactics used when faced with reason (attack, inane comment, attack, insult, change subject, attack, insult). She's resorting to posting stuff like "well I have a life," and "I have a family, and can't sit around blogging all day long."

Is that so? The Liberal Progressive would like to take a moment to point out that SWACgirl logged four entries on Sunday (all of which were pathetic attempts to smear this blog), while we only logged three, one of which was posted after midnight last night, so otherwise, only two. While my intentions are never to infrequently update, if SWACgirl wants to use such IDIOTIC arguments, she should at least check on things like this first.

I'd also like to thank SWACgirl for her inane posting, which obviously gave reason to write this whole piece in the first place. It is now the most clicked on story on leftyblogs in the nation this WEEK, with well over 150 clicks. Thanks SWACgirl, keep on keepin' on, while the rest of the sane world laughs.


Phriendly Jaime said...

Also-I gave you an award. :)

Phriendly Jaime said...

Check it out-she thinks I am "threatening her."

Swac: 3) Jaime threatened me (if you read the comments under "Our President" you would have read all this) and I don't respond to threats. She is free to roam the blogosphere but not SWAC Girl's space.

OK...Well, here was the comment she posted from me, as opposed to the one where I actually had a debate with her and had to put on my own blog bc she doesn't care for facts:

Phriendly Jaime said...
"I cannot believe I came over here and took the time to comment to you and you refuse to post my comment bc we disagree and I am RIGHT. I will now post your comments on MY blog, much more frequented than yours."

Does Swac Girl really think that saying I was going to post her comments on my blog is a "threat" to her safety? I thought she was for small government, and conservative values, as opposed to fear and cry baby behavior when against an opposing idea. Unlike me, she evidently does not spend time with ANYONE who disagrees with her. I on the other hand, can HAVE friends and acquaintances with differing viewpoints, bc I am not afraid of discourse and dissent.

Oh, and if you haven't already, please take a look at MY "fun" with Swac Girl...

Anne Taetzsch Fitzgerald said...

Wow--you really have a lot of lag time in between classes don't you?

Tell you what--instead of pretending that you actually have some bit of influence in this world by playing on your computer--go out and do something and actually be influential.

It's so easy to sit behind a computer in your dorm room and rant and rave. There are several homeless shelters in Richmond--go volunteer your time. Work in the thrift stores that donate money to the needy. And if 150 hits is your idea of a good blog day--oh my--you have so much to learn.

Terry Carter said...

Elle, aww, still using that tired out "insult"? First of all, I don't live in a dorm, second of all, if you're going to try to pull that shit, yet YOU'RE the one sitting there responding to my posts, you look really stupid. Nice try though. Next time try to use a real argument...although I know that's way above you.

Terry Carter said...

"And if 150 hits is your idea of a good blog day--oh my--you have so much to learn."

O rly? I didn't say 150 hits, I said WELL OVER 150 REFERRALS FROM LEFTYBLOGS, and the top read story on Leftyblogs in the nation for the week. Nice try though.


Anne Taetzsch Fitzgerald said...

Terry-your lack of intelligence prevails. To resort to cursing when making a point shows that you have zero facts to stand on when elucidating an argument.

Is this an obvious reflection upon your education or upon yourself as an individual?

I have no use for children who lack proper debating skills. Have fun playing in your dorm.

Terry Carter said...

Uh oh, Elle is back to use the same tired arguments that have been used throughout this ordeal by the entire right wing. "You live in a dorm," "you have no debating skills," "I have a life and you don't." Spare me, why don't you go volunteer in that soup kitchen you spoke of instead of continuing to bother the people who clearly use facts to debate (note: not you).

Anonymous said...

Wonder what the lefty blogger crew does to help society. After making fun of "working in soup kitchens," it sounds as if they do nothing. Do they contribute to charities? Tithe in church? Volunteer for Big Brothers and Big Sisters? Help the Red Cross? Send care packages to our hard-working soldiers overseas? Just wondering - so full of anger and making-fun-of-anyone who posts on their sites. Childish, childish. Now let's see what the childish response is to this.

Anne Taetzsch Fitzgerald said...

Yeah granny sue--wonder if they could even wrap their minds around all the ways they could contribute to society. But hey--drinking beer at the frat house is a much higher priority.

Here are some more ideas. How about volunteering at a nursing home, or assisting the disabled? Meals on wheels once a week or volunteering at a domestic abuse shelter?

I volunteer every week, assist the elderly and contribute to non-profits. I've organized a collection drive for the troops and for the hungry.

So Terry--whatcha got to say now? Probably nothing. You will pull down this thread and hide in shame b/c you realize that all you currently contribute is hot air and hate-filled, curse laden messages.

Terry--let this be a chance, an opportunity for you to change. Look beyond yourself and open your eyes to the poverty and sadness and loneliness that exists in your community.