Thursday, November 30, 2006

U.S. relations with Britain deteriorating?

According to this article, which appeared on the UK's Times Online, the UK may be drifting away from the United States, so to speak. The article claimed that, when asked about UK attempts to influence American policy in Iraq, senior State Dept. analyst Kendall Myers said:

“We typically ignore them and take no notice — it’s a sad business”.

Myers also, according to the article, said he felt a little ashamed by Bush's treatment of Prime Minister Tony Blair. Myers also went on to say:

“It’s a bad time, let’s face it. We have not only failed to do what we wanted to do in Iraq but we have greatly strained our relationship with (Britain).”

Marvelous, so not only is Bush responsible for causing Iraq to break out into civil war because of his narrow mindedness and inability to listen, but we've also strained relations with Great Britian, our biggest ally in the world.

The Liberal Democrat party leader in Britain, Sir Menzies Campbell, believes the relationship needs to be renewed:

“These remarks reflect a real sense of distaste among thinking Americans for Mr Blair’s apparent slavish support for President Bush... The special relationship needs to be rebalanced, rethought and renewed.”

The State Department, as expected, denied Myers' accusations.

1 comment:

CoteGauche said...

Blair got nothing out of sucking up to Bush. The rest of the brown nosing, carpet bagging coalition of suck ups at least raked in billions in foreign and military aid. The things that were apparently high on Tony Blairs priority list - global warming, third world debt relief, the International Criminal Court etc. he got totally rebuffed on.

It you are going to be a whore, it is smart to sleep with the big dog. But at least a whore gets paid.