Sunday, November 26, 2006

Virginia right wing blogger fuming over movie; pulls page out of Fox News' playbook

Anyone else besides myself sick of Republicans being paranoid, raging ass-hats that foam at the mouth at the mere thought that someone might be trying to "pull one over on them?" While I generally try not to call out other bloggers like so, given the recent flurry of thoughtless, inane crap posted on SWACgirl, I have no problem pointing out her most recent post about the movie "HAPPY FEET" where she complains that the movie was too politically correct for her. The Liberal Progressive wants to know when telling the truth became 'politically correct,' and what is so wrong with this? She goes on to spew out the following:

Along the way he finds a penguin ("Lovelace" with the voice of Robin Williams) who has a plastic six-pack "necklace" he acquired from the trashy waters ... and discovers humans are, of course, responsible for fishing and diminishing the fish population for the penguins.

Oh? Who is responsible then? The penguins for eating, the fish for sucking so bad that they aren't able to adapt, or the plastic and garbage that ends up in our oceans? She goes on to moan and groan about the movie being "anti human," and makes some broad accusation that it's a new and exciting trend for kids' movies to have some subliminal, left wing message, full of conspiracy and propaganda.

I'm tired of supposed "kids' movies" having some "pro-social issue/anti-human" propaganda woven through them when all I wanted to do was watch a cute animated movie!

Anti human?? I highly doubt the movie had any sort of political intentions, but if it did, what is wrong with educating kids, and perhaps getting them concerned, and aware of the way they treat the environment and such (like teaching them that not properly disposing of garbage can have bad effects on animals?).

Maybe SWACgirl needs to refrain herself from pulling pages out of the Fox News playbook. While Neil Cavuto conveniently forgot to mention the cancellation of the OJ Simpson interview by Fox (ON THE DAY IT WAS ANNOUNCED!), he found no problem pointing out that Happy Feet contained a "hidden agenda" that is "pretty far left," during his supposed business news program.



Lynn R. Mitchell said...

Thank you, Terry, for pointing out that Neil Cavuto, a person I greatly admire, mentioned the "hidden agenda" on his Fox News show. I had heard nothing from anyone else about "Happy Feet;" what I posted was the opinion of my husband and myself after watching it.

That you have an opinion different from mine is no surprise. The surprise is that my opinion so irritated you that you felt compelled to post about it.

Now that I know Neil Cavuto saw the politically correct message woven into the movie, I realize I'm not the only person who feels that way.

Mosquito said...

The message was not "hidden" in the was simply showing that civic responsibility is not a bad thing.

My gracious Swac girl waht is this all for one and one for one mentality of yours?

What ever happened to community values and citizenship?

Sorry, but my Christian friends adhere to the doctrine of "love thy neighbor" instead of this neocon twist of hate and divide thy neighbors.

Folks like you should probably stop eating fish if you don't want to protect a healthy environment for them to live in.


Spank That Donkey said...

It seems to me that LP wasn't exactly loving his/her blogosphere Neighbor by attacking Swac Girl?

Have you ever seen Waterworld? I saw that in the theatre, and that movie "drips" of Liberal agenda...

I think I will go rent it again today just for the laugh... I mean at the end of the movie it even has the Exxon Valdez in it... no Joke.

Oh, and would the Left of Center crowd use symbolism to indoctrinate children? Check out this post. Notice the poor little animal almost trampled by... the... Elephant?

Spank That Donkey said...

Hmm.. You guys always get what you pay for using blogger :-)

If you care to, go to STD, right column click on November in the archives, and it is second post from the top...

Right over Dick Cheney asking you if you want to buy a vowel.. (probably my most childish post) But it makes me laugh...

General Grievous' Dogs said...

"Three things it is best to avoid: a strange dog, a flood, and a Democrat who thinks he is wise."
--Welsh Proverb

Phriendly Jaime said...

Oh, surprise, surprise...the two most ignorant Republican bloggers are playing "no, we're right, you're wrong" with the bloggers who possess common sense.

I swear, blogger should make people take a test before they just give out free domains.

Swac Girl-any more comments you want to moderate bc they contain factual evidence that you choose not to believe?

Oh, and "Spank"-please don't use this site that is more trafficked than yours to push your tripe and senseless writings. We aren't here to see your ratings go up. BTW-the reason it didn't post well is bc you didn't embed with a quote-like the most immatuure and amateur bloggers.

Mark_Jablonski said...

I think that this issue did need to be addressed. Why is it that folks on the right seem to be in perpetual denial about pollution? I'm surprised that it's still a debate. YES, we humans are polluting the planet we live on with our synthetic junk, and this has adverse effects on the eco system (which, by the way, we are a part of). Wouldn't Jesus want us to be good stewards of our gift (earth)? Seriously. I don't get the discrepency here guys. Someone on the right, please clue us in. The protection of our environment shouldn't be a Republican or a Democratic issue, it should be an issue for all of earth's citizens to seriously address. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

I think that's the first intelligent point made in this entire thread, Mark.

Good work.


Rick Howell said...

Look, we should all understand that conservative Republicans are reeling right now. They got the s*** kicked out of them on Nov. 7. So, it's no suprise that they are falling upon familiar comforts, one of which has always been to bash Hollywood.

Sure, sure...the media is "liberal," there's no environmental crisis, certainly no "global warming," and, as we all know, Hollywood hates America! Let them whine. I'm enjoying the sound of it.....

As for that alleged Welsh proverb....give me a break. Only a Welshman who hasn't had a drink in a while would utter something like that. The three things that clearly need to be avoided are: 1.) Fox News; 2.) Fox News; and 3.) Fox News.

Terry Carter said...

"Three things it is best to avoid: a strange dog, a flood, and a Democrat who thinks he is wise."
--Welsh Proverb"

Oh wow, you are certainly clever!!!

Anonymous said...

I went over to "SWAC Girl's" blog and left a comment on how odd it seems to me that "conservative Christians" have so very little regard for the environment and all of us who inhabit this planet. They seem to be hung up on the notion that human superiority means that humans are entitled to do whatever they want. They seem to have forgotten that we don't own this planet--God does. He never gave up ownership--He only gave us tenancy.
As a Christian myself, I was taught that the Most High handed this Earth over to humans to be held in stewardship and that He will hold us responsible for our handling of that stewardship. Specifically, I pointed out that God loves and cares about his animal creation. Even though humans have been given the right to control the animals, even eat them, this does not give us a right to be cruel and mistreating. Even though we can, we do not have the right to take all of their food, leaving them nothing to eat. He provides their food and ours too
(Psalms 104; Psalms 145; Psalms 147.) Even domestic working animals deserve to eat while working, and never should they be treated cruelly (Exodus 23:4-5; Exodus 23:12; Deuteronomy 22:10; Deuteronomy 25:4). God knows even the most insignificant of the animals and cares about them. We have no right to force whole species into extinction because we are not the Creator---we cannot destroy what we cannot replace. Their very lives are important to Him and we are to show due respect (Leviticus 17:13-14; Hosea 2:18; Luke 12:6). His law equates lack of caring and cruelty as sin (Proverbs 12:10).
Next, I pointed out that Earth is God's "footstool," (Isaiah 66:1)and that no King or Queen would stand for having a garbage heap placed in front of their throne.
But the final point I made is that the Bible clearly states that polluting the Earth is a sin and that God will "bring to ruin those ruining the Earth," (Revelation 11:18).
Knowing how conservatives cannot stand to be shown up as hypocrites, I realize that the post will probably never appear. We used to tell children Aesops Fables, little morality stories that encouraged good behavior. What's so wrong about a movie that encourages children to care? I cannot understand how anyone who believes in God could find fault with anything that encourages children to be concerned for the animals and the environment. Perhaps, they belive as Ann Coulter does, that the Earth is ours to "rape" at will.

This makes no sense to me at all.

Terry Carter said...

Excellent post anon. 1:59a Don't feel bad though, you won't be the first person who's had their comments denied over there. I love how she has to "approve" them yet she still has the thing at the bottom where you have to enter the code to get it posted.

Another thing I want to point out about her joke of a blog is waaayy down at the bottom where she accuses someone of being a communist because they asked an employee to remove his "vote yes to ammendment 1" bumper sticker. I sent her a message educating her on what communism is, and that I think she has the wrong definition of it...still waiting for that to be approved (or her dumbass entry to be removed/corrected) though.

Anonymous said...

"While I generally try not to call out other bloggers like so, given the recent flurry of thoughtless, inane crap..."

??--thoughtless, inane crap--??

Oh yes...that is a wonderful way of getting your professional and responsible point across.

Hey Dog--try this one on for size--

"When a person dies and is buried, it seems there's certain voodoo priests who have the power to bring him back to life...It's worse than horrible because a zombie has no will of his own. You see them sometimes, walking around with dead eyes, following orders, not knowing what they do, not caring. " -- Richard Carlson
"You mean like democrats?" -- Bob Hope

Terry Carter said...

Hey John, I love your blog!!! Claiming the only thing Lincoln got right was Thanksgiving, and you don't frequently update because you "have a life." You're a real I had trouble reading it though, because of your fabulous way of lining up your sidebar with your main content!!!

Terry Carter said...

Oh, this is rich!!! John maxfield, your blog is a grand one!!! check out this post where he claims that "Webb conceded" .....

Anonymous said...

You act like Lincoln was a good President or something! That's rich. Nothing like that revisionist history for you...

Anonymous said...

Are we emulating M.C. Hammer now?