Friday, December 01, 2006

Back up and running

I've been having problems with my feed all day long, but I think it's back up and running.

I've been blogging for about a month now and have spent more time trying to fix technical problems with blogger than I have actually writing. What a pain. Vivian Paige has a post up about the advantages of Wordpress, and I am *seriously* considering making the move over there again. I'm just DREADING losing all the work I've done over the past month, and possibly not being able to move my archives. However, I will continue on here until I can get everything completely up and running at Wordpress, if indeed I do decide to make the move.

Subscribe to my blog by clicking here:


Megan said...

I used wordpress for a couple of days...then went to is awesome...and it will look different than everyone else

Vivian J. Paige said...

Republitarian - you host your own blog, right? Big difference between that and the ones that aren't self-hosted. (Is this the Serendipity that you refer to?)

Come on over, Terry. You'll love

Megan said...

sorry...I guess you realize now that I'm not a computer genious

Terry Carter said...

Neither am I, and I don't have the means to host my own page.

Phriendly Jaime said...

Ugh, Blogger has me so pissed.

My blog at work during the day looks all kinds of messed up-italics and bolds where they shouldn't be, the roll looks weird-then I come home at night and it looks fine.

I cannot figure it out, and I have no idea what it looks like to others. The first couple posts (at work) are fine, then the rest are italicized and bolded.

Terry-does it look strange to you?

Terry Carter said...

It looks fine to me. Could be the computer settings at your work maybe?

I want to switch to Wordpress, but seems you can't upload your archives over there if you're using beta (which I am). I also seriously lack creativity and am having trouble thinking of a new name - which I think is necessary, so my google rankings don't get messed up, and so it's easier to change my technorati, and all the other sites where I'm listed. Ugh!

Anonymous said...

Don’t worry, all the work I've done over the past month isn’t worth saving. As a matter of fact, it belongs in the cyber trash heap. Good luck with the move and keep on trucking.

Phriendly Jaime said...

Ugh, and Terry-I had to turn the stupid comment mod back on bc of spammers. I hate the word verification, it sucks.

Ah well.

I have a new post up, btw...


BTW-I'll be at the downtown BW3s tomorrow for beer, wings, and football if you want to drop by and meet a blogger.

Terry Carter said...

Ugh, I have to work in retail HELL tomorrow evening. :-(

Vivian J. Paige said...

Terry - there is a way to import Blogger Beta into Wordpress. Check out this thread in the Wordpress forums for the workaround.