Saturday, December 09, 2006

Blogs had an impact on the Ethics Committee investigation of Mark Foley!!

A Washington, DC based blog, that I've given mention to several times here, actually made it into the House Ethics Committee's investigation into Mark Foley. The entry mentioned in the report was from "Wonkette - The D.C. Gossip" and was posted on September 27, 2006 and read:

This is one in a series of emails some anonymous and semi-literate blogger claims are from Representative Mark Foley (R-FL) to a 16-year-old male House page.

Oh, of course they’re not real. But let’s all pretend, ok? ‘Cause it’s better than another damn plagiarism “scandal.”

It also included a link to this blog, simply titled "Stop Sex Predators."

One of the comments to the entry read:

jumptheshark says: "I would not doubt it at all, Foley is well known to dip his toes in the young male Page pool, and that is his personal email address...

Now, I'm by no means an expert on where Mark Foley (R-etarded, FL) "dips his toes," but I'd be REALLY interested to know just WHO knew about it, and who this "jumptheshark" is. Especially since according to the report NO ONE WILL BE REPRIMANDED!! One former page said:

"(It's) Just a slap on the wrist to Republicans. What's concerning to me is that no one in particular was held accountable," said Zack Hall, who served as a page in 2004. "It just continues to show us that no one wants to hold anybody else accountable for anything that goes on on Capitol Hill."

The report itself even read:

"In all, a pattern of conduct was exhibited among many individuals to remain willfully ignorant of the potential consequences of former Rep. Foley's conduct with respect to pages. Almost no one followed up adequately on the limited actions they did take."

The report also concluded that Hastert's chief of staff, Scott Palmer, was told about Foley's inappropriate conduct in 2002 or 2003. And yet...NO ONE WILL BE REPRIMANDED? How can this be....?

You can read the full report here, or view the Wonkette exhibit here in .PDF format.

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