Thursday, December 07, 2006

Daily RunDown: Macaca Morals!

Another dude no one would vote for drops out of the Presidential race. - Tennessean

The Democrats don't have a plan, or, Focus On The Family shows their stupidity and ignorance. - Focus On The Family

Mary Cheney's pregnancy is a repudiation of the work her father has devoted his life to (No, really, you've got to read this entire piece, it's amazingly bigoted). - Townhall

"Tough on terror" Republicans still doing little to NOTHING to secure our ports. Reuters

Clouds postpone shuttle launch. Associated Press

Brownback Mountain wants MORE 'MACACA' MORALS! - Associated Press

Ghosts? Or is Tim Kaine dropping acid? - Richmond Times Dispatch


Vivian J. Paige said...

Janice Shaw Crouse, Ph.D., Senior Fellow at the Beverly LaHaye Institute, the think tank for Concerned Women for America, is a recognized authority on domestic issues, the United Nations, cultural and women’s concerns.
Who did she pay off to become a "recognized authority"?

Sad, just sad.

Anonymous said...

It's really freaky because if you didn't know a thing about Mary Cheney, you'd assume she's straight from that article.