Monday, December 11, 2006

Daily RunDown: Tom Delay can't even write his own material

Check out Tom Delay's (most honest Congressman in U.S. history!) new "blog." Please note that ALL COMMENTS must be approved by the author, who apparently, is SOMEONE WHO WORKS FOR TOM DELAY. MSNBC showed a brief clip of an interview with Delay tonight where he claimed he did not actually write the material, rather someone else did it for him. ON TOP OF THAT, after he originally launched the "blog," (if you wish to call it that), he was upset by the comments people were leaving telling the truth about what a scumbag he is, so he moved the blog, deleted the comments, and either Delay or one of the minions working for him must now approve reader comments in order for them to show up. Fortunately, someone copied the entire post/comments to another blog before it was taken down by Delay. Check it out here. - Wonkette | West of Shockoe | Beltway Blog Roll

The thought of Tom Delay "blogging," and anyone actually reading it and believing anything that comes out of his mouth deeply disturbs me.

Virginia Democrats gearing up for 2007. - Washington Post via Not Larry Sabato

AP headline reads "No Kudos for Bush in Annan's Farewell," but Kofi Annan ACTUALLY said that the U.S. shouldn't sacrifice it's democratic ideals while waging war on terrorism. Meaning, STOP TRYING TO TAKE AWAY CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS UNDER THE GUISE OF "PROTECTING" AMERICANS FROM TERRORISTS, OTHERWISE - WE LOSE! Kofi Annan makes a great point. Now, let the GOP bashing of him BEGIN!!! - Richmond Times Dispatch

George Bush obviously taking some sort of hallucinogen; says "I'll be dead before they get it right!" - New York Daily News

Once again, Vivian J. Paige gets it right. - Vivian J. Paige

And finally, tonight, some of you may have noticed that I haven't posted as much as normal over the past couple of days, or when I did, didn't write much on the topic. I've been extremely busy with the end of the semester (thank God it's over), and Christmas coming up. I haven't even begun gift shopping, an experience I loathe more, and more every year. I enjoy GIVING the gifts, just actually having to shop for people (something I don't even like to do for myself), and fight the crowds? Not my idea of a good time. We also had a small pipe rupture/burst in my house last week which resulted in our downstairs den flooding, and a rather large hole in the ceiling (currently in the process of being repaired). Anyway, suffice to say, I've been a little distracted, but promise to get back to my normal routine this week.


Anonymous said...

"I haven't even begun gift shopping, an experience I loathe more, and more every year. I enjoy GIVING the gifts, just actually having to shop for people (something I don't even like to do for myself), and fight the crowds?"

You sound like a girl.

Terry Carter said...

And you sound like someone who doesn't know very much.

What an intelligent comment, sorry though, this blog is for people who have (at least) graduated middle school. :)