Friday, December 08, 2006

Didn't the right learn anything from George Allen's loss?

Found this this morning via NLS. Seems "Black Velvit Bruce Li" learned NOTHING from George Allen's loss, which was thanks in part to Allen's inability to focus on the issues, and his inane attacks on anything from Jim Webb's FICTIONAL BOOKS, to attacking campaign volunteers.

"Black Velvit Bruce Li" devotes an entire post to PERSONALLY attacking Jeffrey Dion (D), who is running for Occoquan Supervisor, simply because Mr. Dion is gay:

But there’s some other critical information that the Democrats haven’t been too interested in talking about that might help inform voters about how Mr. Dion values his commitments.

I'm sorry, but how is Mr. Dion being gay deemed "critical" information? The poster, simply known as "Greg L." goes on to say the following:

In the midst of this homosexual “lifestyle” Mr. Dion by all accounts raises these two children, who are now six and ten years old, in a 3BR 1-1/2 BA house of a little more than 1100 square feet that he bought for $90,000 back in 2002. Meanwhile, his wife who has since remarried, lives in a 4BR 2-1/2 BA house she bought for nearly $300,000 in 2002. From the press releases by Vic Bras and his statements to the press, the clear impression given is that Jeff has full-time custody of the children despite the evidence that his ex-wife has a better home for the children both in terms of space, but in the natural and nurturing environment that only a marriage can provide. Given that Mr. Dion is also a member of and contributor to the gay “rights” organizations that fought against the overwhelmingly popular Marriage Amendment, it shouldn’t come as much of a surprise that he would also value his gay “lifestyle” over his marriage and want to expose his children to it on a daily basis.

I'd like to know how come "Greg L." couldn't provide a reason as to why Mr. Dion has custody of the kids, and why his wife doesn't? I'd be interested to find out. Clearly though, it simply MUST be because the judge is a radical left wing liberal!! Right?

Maybe if radical right wing, religious zealots wouldn't attempt to make it so difficult to live as people were BORN by taking away their rights, maybe, just maybe, people like Mr. Dion wouldn't feel so compelled to the fact that they're gay, or unsuccessfully ATTEMPT to live a heterosexual lifestyle. The author goes on to attempt a smear on P.W. county Democrats:

This is to my knowledge the first time that the Prince William County Democrats have selected an openly gay candidate. I am surprised they would want to first test these waters with someone who appears to have left a marriage and broken up a family in order to live as a gay person.

Yeah well, we can't all be such good practicing bigots like you, "Greg L.," now can we?

UPDATE: West of Shockoe exposes that Tom Davis ALSO left his wife, and three children, to remarry Jeanmarie Devolite-Davis, who left her husband and FOUR children behind. Jaime's got some other interesting finds up too, go check it out.

I'm also still awaiting a response from "Greg L." as to WHY a judge would give Jeff Dion custody of his kids and and not his "more fit to raise them" ex-wife...

1 comment:

Phriendly Jaime said...

question: "Didn't the right learn anything from George Allen's loss?"

answer: NO.