Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Finally an update on George Allen's last "gift" to America; more on the lunacy of the Virginia Gun Owners Coalition!

You may remember last month I (and MANY others in the "blogosphere") wrote about outgoing Senator George Allen's ridiculous plan to introduce legislation that would allow carrying of concealed weapons in national parks, deemed "George Allen's last gift to America" by some. Then I followed up with an update saying that Senator elect Jim Webb had wrote a campaign letter on October 30, 2006 saying he plans to introduce similar legislation. Well last night, after reading Not Larry Sabato's post regarding an email the Virginia Gun Owners Coalition sent out bemoaning Frank Wolf for refusing to support guns in Darfur, I came across this entry on the VGOC's website, claiming that Senator elect Jim Webb might be backing off the proposal a bit. As you might imagine, they are on the verge of going into uncontrolled seizures over there because of it.

Is Jim Webb going to be just another politcal hack or the gutsy statesman that he fancies himself to be and wants you and me to think he is?

We are about to find out because Congress adjourned early on December 9th AND George Allen made the decision not to fight for the repeal of the National Park Ban.

Apparently, they wanted Allen to attach the piece of garbage as a rider to another bill, therefore it likely wouldn't be debated, and would likely go under the radar, (see: The 2003 "Rave Act" which I consider to be one of the most vile, dumb ass pieces of legislation ever passed, that was attached as a rider to the Amber Alert bill).

The author of the piece on the VGOC's website went on to say:

Why would I say that? Because Jim Webb refused to answer the VGOC survey AND was unwilling to put his gun promises at his campaign web site. So , why did Webb post them at a hidden corner of the internet?

That's funny!! The VGOC will be pleased to hear (probably for the first time, since they don't seem too well informed) that Webb had NO PROBLEM filling out a survey submitted to him by the NRA, whom by the way, he received an "A" rating from. The only reason he didn't win the NRA endorsement was because George Allen received an "A+" rating (you can guess why, can't you?). Jim Webb made it perfectly known (to anyone PAYING ATTENTION) that he was, and still is "PRO GUNS," a "proud gun owner," a concealed weapon permit holder, and has regular "shooting activity." It was one of the reasons he won over many independent, and "light R" voters, and then WON the election.

In the next paragraph they write:

"Political insiders have warned me me that Webb is already trying to weasel out of getting a recorded vote on his promise.

Webb is weighing waffling on his promises after being taken to the woodshed for his lack of political polish.

Well, I'm not sure who "me me" is, but I'd like to know who his/her "political insiders" are. Furthermore, I'd like to point out that Jim Webb has already proved to us that he DOESN'T CARE what any party tells him to do, he's going to do what he believes to be right, and will not change his position to satisfy someone. A Democratic Senate Staffer is even on record as having said "I think Webb is going to be a total pain, he's going to do things his own way!"

They're such genius' too, calling for Jim Webb to filibuster (I bet they're glad they still have that now, huh?) any bill, even if it is must-pass legislation, with even one anti-gun measure attached to it. So the VGOC would support withholding funding from the troops just to prevent "anti-gun" legislation from passing? Then they have some idiotic, childish letter for users to print out, sign, and mail to Jim Webb threatening him with:

I EXPECT YOU TO FILIBUSTER EVERY piece of anti-gun garbage that the anti-gun zealot, Nancy Pelosi, and your anti-gun Senate boss, Harry Reid, tries to shove down our throats. Please understand that you will personally own any anti-gun provision passed by Congress - - even if it is attached to must-pass legislation.

Uhm, sorry, but you're NOT going to be effective throwing around threats like that. Furthermore, take a look at this (click the image to make it larger/ more visible):

Please note in the TITLE OF THE POST, and IN THE FIRST SENTENCE, there are two blatant misspellings. Now, I'm not claiming to be the best of spellers, and we all make mistakes, but you'd think they would use a spell check, and you'd ESPECIALLY think that they REREAD their post to check for error. This entry was posted 2 days ago, and there is NO reason for it to remain uncorrected. The VGOC wonders why Jim Webb didn't respond to their "survey," but it's NO WONDER! Who would take you seriously with stuff like this?


Anonymous said...

You're awesome. Great work. You are quickly becoming one of my favorite bloggers, and I love that you are in Richmond. :)

Mosquito said...

I second that awesome opinion given by phriendly Jaimie...

I am definitely a Webb supporter and I HATE this law that would allow guns into our national parks. I will be very happy if it doesn't pass...however I've known from the beginning that Webb is basically I'd like this proposed law to fail.


Terry Carter said...

Wow, thanks to both of you.

I was hoping to get some sort of response from the VGOC, and since I know they don't pay attention to anything, I was going to email them, but they have no email contact (and don't allow comments), on their site.

Oh well.