Sunday, December 03, 2006

George Allen speaks to legions of minions at The Homestead

George Allen received a loud ovation from the crowd gathered to hear him speak at the Republican Advance at The Homestead when he announced that he plans to continue to fight for Republican principles:

"Whether in the private sector or public sector, I am going to keep advocating these principles and ideals."

I wonder if he means like this, or perhaps this, or maybe even this:

Bigotry and scandal, the GOP constituent-approved ideas and nice.

As I mentioned last night, Ed Gillespie was also elected to replace Kate Obenshain Griffin as the chairman of the RPV.

Check out the entire wrap up of The Advance at The Homestead from the Richmond Times Dispatch.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When Allen says,"Deep-rooted trees will remain strong and will grow again in the next season.", he sounds just like Chance the Gardner (played by Peter Sellers) in one of my favorite movies-"Being There"