Thursday, December 07, 2006

Senator-elect Jim Webb responds to the Iraq report

In a written statement, Senator-elect Jim Webb responded to the Iraq report which was released yesterday:

"The report is an enormous step forward in our nation’s search for a workable answer to the strategic blunder of having invaded and occupied Iraq in the first place. At the same time, it is Solomonesque in its findings, strong in its recommendations for regional dialogue, but less so in its proposals for bringing an end to the turmoil inside Iraq itself."

According to a Media General News Service, which appeared on the RTD's website this afternoon, Webb said he was interested in finding out if the problem's with the Iraq military were the result of poor training, or just a lack of motivation. Webb was also pleased that the group suggested finding more diplomatic means to ending the conflict:

"For more than two years, I have supported opening up these diplomatic efforts in a way that would call on other countries in the region to accept some responsibility for the future of Iraq. This includes dialogue with Syria and Iran. I continue to believe that failing to engage in this dialogue has worsened the situation in the region by driving Syria toward Iran."

1 comment:

Mosquito said...

WOW...Webb has definitely hit the nail on the head!!
