Monday, November 13, 2006

Apprantly I'm Not The Only One That Thinks VDOT's Road Closures Are Ill-Timed!!

Most recently, Friday afternoon on my way home from Arlington to Richmond when they decided to shutdown ALL HOV LANES around DC due to the opening of a Marine Museum in Quantico, during 5PM traffic. I believe the closure began around 1 and it was still closed when I passed the end of them around exit 152. Seriously, it took me about 3 hours to get from Arlington to Dale City, I was livid. That's not the only time an ill timed closure has made for a HUGE inconvenience. Northern Virginia traffic is bad enough, especially in the afternoon, without closures. I understand that work needs to be done, and things happen, but really, can't it be done during NON PEAK HOURS? Apparently I'm not the only one who's got a problem with VDOT:

Richmond Times Dispatch: VDOT closures draw criticism

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