Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Bush takes mocking tone with Webb, just days after tragedy in Iraq

Credit to Not Larry Sabato for this one. Apparently Bush took a rather mocking tone with Webb when he inquired as to how his (Webb's) son was doing in Iraq. Jimmy Webb's unit had come under fire a couple weeks ago, and three marines were killed. George Bush, of course, was well aware of the situation.

Wow. Let's see how long it takes the so called "LIBERAL MEDIA" to cover this one, if they even bother with it at all. It's going to be a glorious thing watching the rightosphere trying to spin this one.


Jason Kenney said...

The Post had the exchange on the front page. And I think to call it a "mocking" tone on Bush's part is to let your partisanship blind you. Neither man was in the wrong, Bush asking a genuine question about how Webb's son was doing, Webb responding as many parents of soldiers would. To imply a tone when you weren't even there is to mislead yourself and others.

Terry Carter said...

Right. I can see Bush all giggly too saying "That's not what I asked you."


Jason Kenney said...

You're taking an unnamed anonymous source's quote on the exchange as the exact truth? The source was obviously more favorable to Webb so to say that these are the exact words said is to automatically be misled.

Terry Carter said...

Didn't Jim Webb himself confirm that the exchange happened?

Terry Carter said...

Yep! here it is from today's WaPo:

"I'm not particularly interested in having a picture of me and George W. Bush on my wall," Webb said in an interview yesterday in which he confirmed the exchange between him and Bush. "No offense to the institution of the presidency, and I'm certainly looking forward to working with him and his administration. [But] leaders do some symbolic things to try to convey who they are and what the message is."

Jim Webb confirmed the exchange, end of discussion.

Jason Kenney said...

Confirmed the exchange but the exact quotes? I'm not denying the exchange, I'm saying that to say the quotes are accurate may be a bit of a stretch but not nearly as much as actually implying a tone to them absent of actually being there yourself.

Terry Carter said...

Touche. I suppose we'll just have to agree to disagree. :)

Jason Kenney said...

Can do. It's something that folks are going to do with as they please. Left will see it as a slight on Bush and kudos to Webb for putting him in his place, Right will see it as Bush being concerned and Webb throwing it in his face. Different strokes...

Mosquito said...

I'd believe Jim Webb's version over George Bush's version anyday.....

Bush is the sort of person who wants reality and the world to change in order to "match up" with his version of the truth....
