Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Democrats take control in Pennsylvania!

As promised in last night's "Daily RunDown," here's a story which has not yet been widely reported in the media. The Pennsylvania state house has flipped to Democratic control after a recount in the 156th district revealed that Progressive Majority candidate Barbara McIlvaine Smith(D) won the election by a mere 23 votes. The results of the recount were announced yesterday (Nov. 28).

Smith had trailed opponent Shannon Royer by only 19 votes before military and absentee votes were counted. Yesterday's final tally showed that Smith defeated Royer 11,614 votes to 11,591.

Smith was one of dozens of candidates sponsored by the Progressive Majority, which has successfully helped 194 Progressives get elected to both state and national office. Gloria A. Totten, President of the Progressive Majority, has the following statement on the PAC's website:

The November 7th election was truly historic and Progressive Majority continued to build on our winning track record. In all, we elected 100 new progressives to office in eight states -- bringing the total number of progressives we've helped elect to 194 in just three short years!

Smith also thanked the PAC, and essentially credited them for the win:

I was confident that the voters had indicated to that this was a new day for a new agenda in Pennsylvania politics, there is no way I could have won this race without Progressive Majority’s tireless efforts on my behalf.

Dan Frankel, Chairman of the House Democratic Campaign Committee in Pennsylvania, and representative of Pennsylvania's 23rd district, contributed the victory to a failed Republican record over the past 12 years, and voter desire for a new direction:

Pennsylvania voters, including voters of the 156th District, weighed the Democratic vision for the future of Pennsylvania against the Republican record over the past 12 years. And they decided they are ready for a new direction. We look forward to welcoming Barbara McIlvaine Smith, along with 26 other new Democrats, to the new House Democratic majority.

That's right, 27 Democrats, including Smith, were newly elected to the Pennsylvania State House, giving the Democrats in the state a 102 to 101 advantage. Assuming the vote count stands up to any legal challenges that will undoubtedly arrise from Republicans, and Smith is indeed, the winner, it will be the first time in 12 years that the Democrats have controlled the Pennsylvania State House. HDCC executive director Dan Wiedemer said he expects House Republicans to challenge the official count.

In a Daily Local online article, Shannon Royer had not yet conceded, and has not yet made a decision as to how they will proceed:

I will be looking at all of my options and making a decision in the next few days of how we will proceed. We need to look at everything and make sure that every legal vote is counted.

That being said, the same article goes on to say that there are currently 11 vote challenges, and four other POSSIBLE challenges, but even if they all broke for Republicans, the Democrat would still win.

Let's just hope Virginia Democrats can also pull off a huge win in our own state elections in 2007!!!

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