Sunday, November 19, 2006

Faux news goes 2 for 3 in "Worst Persons in the World" sweepstakes

Keith Olbermann Friday announced his three worst persons in the world, and guess who went two for three? FAUX NEWS!!! Bill O'Reilly earned bronze (worse) for existing (well, not really, but he should have!). Laura Ingraham received the silver (worser) medal for something I find absolutely appalling, she caused a voter protection hot line to crash on election day after urging her listener(s?) to repeatedly prank call the line. Not only is it voter FRAUD but it's also REALLY mature!!! Receiving the gold was Republican Senator Jim Inhofe from Oklahoma who blamed global warming on God during an interview on "Fox and Friends."

Check out the Olbermann segment from Friday:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Honorable mentions:

Rangel - for repeatedly calling for a draft

Murtha - for calling for an immediate withdrawal of troops from Iraq and for not winning majority leader, more than likely due to his ethics problems

Al Franken - for being born :-)