Monday, November 20, 2006

Hey Charlie Rangel, (almost) NO ONE agrees with you!

Speaker-to-be Nancy Pelosi and Majority Leader-Elect Steny Hoyer say they have no plans to even CONSIDER Rangels measure to reinstate a military draft.

Even the MILITARY itself is against this measure! According to the article, when Rangel proposed the garbage in 2003,

commanders such as Air Force General Richard Myers, then chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said the current volunteer force was better trained and more capable than the conscripted troops of the past.

Not only that, but the U.S. Army, Navy, Marine Corps, AND Air Force ALL made their recruiting goals for the 2006 fiscal year. Combined, they enlisted more than 180,000 people.

In an AP article published Monday in the Washington Times Steny Hoyer said

"The speaker (Nancy Pelosi) and I discussed scheduling and it did not include that."

Senator Carl Levin (D-MI), the "to-be" head of the Senate Armed Services Committee, said

"I don't think we need it. I don't favor it."

I've also noticed a lot of people writing about how they think it will be good for youth, and it will "give them something to do," like the following letters which appeared on CNN's website regarding the draft:

Diane Nyquist from Cal City, California: It's about time that this country woke up and put our kids to work. Get them off the street corners. Maybe they will learn a little caring for this country that gives them so much. It worked before...let's get it working again.

LeRoy Robinett, Sr. from Elkhart, Indiana: I definitely believe that the draft should be brought back. If nothing else it would teach the younger generation responsibility. I have always stated that the Eisenhower type of draft should never have been stopped.

...I'd be interested to see if either of these fools served in the military.

Anyway, there were many more similar responses, but you get the point. Now CLEARLY I realize that what these people say means nothing, but let me say this: if parents in America were MORE RESPONSIBLE than they are, and people would STOP HAVING KIDS just to have them. Maybe if parents TAUGHT THEIR KIDS responsibility, and appreciation for America, we wouldn't have (or maybe we still would, I don't know) these ignorant fools claiming it will give young people "something to do." Parenting in America today is pathetic, absolutely ATROCIOUS. The majority of people I see having kids today (see: Britney Spears, also see: U.S. divorce rate) have NO BUSINESS ever having children.

I'm 21 years old, I am a full time college student, I have a job, I keep in touch with my entire family, and I am active in politics. I have plenty "to do" thank you. I don't need your borderline, dare I say, NAZI LIKE draft.

You want a REAL SOLUTION as to how to make the military larger than it already is? How about paying our troops more? How about actually following through on promises made to them when they sign up? How about actually paying them enough to support their family? Eh?

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