Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Internal Fox News Channel memo proves network is GOP political puppet

Give credit to Raising Kaine for finding this. The Huffington Post obtained an internal Fox News memo sent out November 9, 2006, just two days after the Democrats took control of Congress, urging reporters to "Be On The Lookout For Any Statements From The Iraqi Insurgents...Thrilled At The Prospect Of A Dem Controlled Congress."


UPDATE(8:35pm): "Countdown w/ Keith Olbermann" is running a segment titled "Faux News Revealed" interviewing Robert Greenwald the documentary filmmaker behind "Outfoxed" on the memo. Greenwald is talking about Fox News ratings in decline, and sponsorships in decline as well. What an awesome segment. If you missed it, be sure to check it later tonight when "Countdown" re airs at midnight on MSNBC.

UPDATE #2(8:54pm): FNC anchor Martha MacCallum takes one right out of the Fox playbook:

UPDATE #3(1:23am): and here is the "Countdown w/ Keith Olbermann" segment from earlier tonight:


James Young said...


What's more "pathetic" is that it wasn't too long before such statements were made, though not too widely reported.

Terry Carter said...

Polls show that the global community views the USA as the biggest threat to global security, but do the Republicans like to talk about international opinion then? No.