Monday, November 13, 2006

Jim Webb wants the opportunity to vote on new Secretary of Defense nominee Robert Gates!

Great find from Jaime at West Of Shockoe can be found here!

Here is Jim Webb's interview with Larry King (I believe this was Thursday evening, 11/10/06), keep an eye out about 3.5 to 4.5 minutes in when Jim discusses Bush's nominee for the next Secretary of Defense! Apparently they have a long history, going back to when they were colleagues working under President Reagan: Webb as secretary of the Navy objected to plans by Gates, then deputy national security adviser, for U.S. warships to protect oil platforms in the Persian Gulf. The hot-tempered Webb made clear his irritation with the soft-spoken Gates.

Will be interesting to see if this one gets through during the lame-duck session of Congress, or if Jim Webb will actually get a chance to vote on his former colleague.

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