Saturday, December 09, 2006

Update on the bigotry coming from SOME right wing bloggers!

I posted on this yesterday, about how BVBL is determined to pull a page right out of George Allen's playbook by attacking candidates on personal, irrelevant issues, rather than sticking to debating STUFF THAT ACTUALLY MATTERS. Seems BVBL is upset because there are "critical issues" pertaining to Jeffrey Dion's PRIVATE LIFE that the Democrats aren't taking out millions in ad campaigns to let the public know about. Since when is it required that a candidate publicly advertise his or her sexual orientation? I hardly expect a straight candidate to get up on TV and blurt out "I'm straight," so why should Mr. Dion be required to allow his sexuality to be an issue?

Greg @ BVBL was also upset that Mr. Dion HAD CUSTODY OF HIS CHILDREN, AND HIS EX-WIFE DID NOT, despite the fact that Greg saw the ex-wife as more fit to raise the kids because of the size of her house. When I asked Greg to explain that, I was ignored twice, and then on my third time asking the question of him, he simply said:

Terry, go ask the judge if you’re interested. I can’t tell you what the basis for his decision was. The basis for the decisions of the judge in that case are irrelevant to the question of whether the actions by Jeff Dion make him more or less qualified to hold elective office anyways.

So let me get this straight, whether or not Jeffrey Dion has custody of the kids is irrelevant to his ability to hold public office, but the fact that he is gay makes all the difference in the world? Hmmm...

I've seen several people posting about how "Oh, it's not the fact that he is gay, it's just he left his wife, and kids to 'pursue' that homosexual 'lifestyle.'" Give me a break. So why is this any different than when Tom Davis leaves his wife and kids for another woman? Anyone with half an ounce of SENSE in their head can clearly see that this is an attack on homosexuality, NOT divorcing your wife.

Elsewhere in the blogosphere, seems everyone's getting all hot and bothered over Jaime's post on the subject, but, as I've already commented over at Raising Kaine I'm glad that SOME Democrats are throwing this crap right back in the face of the right wing bigots! For too long we've been so easy going, for too long we've simply said "Oh, we'll ignore it, we're better than them." SORRY! IT'S NOT IMPRESSING ANYONE! It's not getting our message out, it's not exposing the ignorant, bigoted right wing for what it really is. Jaime, once again, YOU AREN'T THE ONE WHO NEED APOLOGIZE.

Even Swac Girl weighed in with the usual inane commentary she so often blesses plagues us with. She wrote the following as part of her asinine entry yesterday:

If there is a post the Raising Kaine crew disagrees with they don't just write their objections ... they go on personal attacks against the blogger and, in the case of the latest posting, against Republican public officials ... with name-calling and foul language. I find the personal attacks totally unacceptable and very intolerant ... from those of the "party of tolerance."

Swac Girl doesn't seem to realize that SHE'S DOING EXACTLY WHAT SHE'S COMPLAINING ABOUT. She once again attempts to smear other blogs and DOESN'T EVEN OFFER HER OWN OPINION ON THE MATTER. I commented on the post, asking her to give us her opinion, no doubt she won't allow it to be posted, and clearly won't answer the question (YOU DON'T GAIN CREDIBILITY BY MODERATING COMMENTS!!!). She goes on to preach about how Liberals should be gracious in victory, etc. etc.:

Could they maybe tone it down, stop with the personal attacks, be gracious in their victory, and quit bashing George Allen? The behavior they are displaying is sad ... and I have heard conservative Democrats who are embarrassed by the displays because they don't act that way nor do they condone that type of bahavior.

First, SwacGirl, "bahavior" is actually spelled "behavior" (please take advantage of the free spell check blogger offers next time), and sorry, but ONCE AGAIN, your entire rambling, painful to read post did nothing but do, what you're accusing others of doing. I mean, c'mon, YOU EVEN LINK TO A SITE that's exclusively there to personally attack left wing bloggers, including that completely idiotic picture of Jaime, and husband "photochopped" onto the picture Jaime used, which has so many people upset in the first place. Take a look in the mirror next time before you speak.

NLS even had a problem with Jaime, and Too Conservative voicing concern over the BVBL post which, I can't understand, since NLS was the one who MADE THIS ACT OF HATE THE STORY THAT IT IS BY CALLING IT OUT IN THE FIRST PLACE!

Once again, no one on the left need apologize, or feel guilty for throwing this garbage right back in the face of the right wing zealots, after all, it's ABOUT TIME WE DID!!!!


Anne Taetzsch Fitzgerald said...

Wow--you really do have thin skin don't you?

Terry Carter said...

You sure you're using that phrase appropriately? No one attacked me. I just have little tolerance for bigots and hypocrites. If that makes me "thin skinned" then so be it.

Phriendly Jaime said...

Elle-you are new to the blogosphere. Don't get too big for your britches. You have A LOT to learn, honey.

Terry-do you notice how Swac Girl seems to fear Democratic bloggers? She refuses to mention any names or blogs, except her boyfriend Loser Dog-it's so funny!

Retail work tonight?

Mosquito said...

O visited the Swac girl blog once....she's a lite weight and I suggest that we not even bother wasting any time or energy on her....

Thanks to Phriendly Jaime and anyone else willing to call the bigots and Jim Crow supporters out on their "straights only" policies....


General Grievous' Dogs said...

Why do you hate the Dog? Can't we just be friends?

Terry Carter said...

"Terry-do you notice how Swac Girl seems to fear Democratic bloggers? She refuses to mention any names or blogs, except her boyfriend Loser Dog-it's so funny!"

You mean spank the donkey,m I mean, cuz we might as well just call it for what it is. "Let's bitch about personal attacks, and then create a blog EXPRESSLY TO ATTACK LEFT WING BLOGGERS!!!"

...sounds like the right wing to me, so I don't know why I feel as surprised as I do.

Phriendly Jaime said...