Sunday, November 19, 2006

Charles Rangel (D-NY) is a neurotic degenerate!!

The Liberal Progressive can hardly believe the insane measure that will be proposed early next year by Representative Adolf Hitler Charles Rangel (D-NY) YET AGAIN!!! This neurotic nut job is calling for the US to reinstate the draft because he doesn't think we would have went to war in Iraq if members of Congress, and members of the Bush administration knew they were possibly sending their kids into a war zone. NO? REALLY!? But then, would we EVER go to war even if it WAS one worth fighting? Because Congress would NEVER approve putting their own children in harms way.

This isn't the first time Rangel has proposed such vile pieces of legislation either, oh no! In 2003 he proposed a measure reinstating the draft for people ages 18-26, it failed. However that was not nearly as FOUL as this past years proposal from Rangel which would have covered United States citizens ages 18 to 42, which also failed.

Rangel is joined by fellow PRO-DRAFT degenerate Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) in calling for mandatory military service. Both peons appeared on Face The Nation Sunday on CBS. I regret to inform both members of Congress that this is not a dictatorship (much to George Bush's, and apparently Charlie Rangels dismay), and NO government is going to tell me what I AM going to do. I certainly won't be fighting this illegal war or any other war for that matter.

View Rangel's Sunday interview on "FACE THE NATION" here

Rangel said he plans to introduce the bill early next year, shortly after which the House will vote on the bill, just to prove that nobody wants it. Even the Republicans aren't stupid enough to mess with this one! Rangel is just itching to be in the minority again, isn't he? Why else introduce such an irresponsible, laughable, nonsensical piece of legislation that's going to serve as nothing more than a lightning rod for criticism on an idea that so many people, particularly younger voters, for lack of better words, HATE.

Furthermore, if Rangel is such a CHAMPION of the military then WHY did he himself only serve for four years? An even better question is, did he volunteer? Or was he drafted? His website doesn't say, and neither does anything else I can find, so my guess would be he was PROBABLY drafted. Does Rangel hold an almost 60 year old chip on the shoulder? Or is he just trying to give Republicans ammunition to use against the Democrats?

The Liberal Progressive would like to take a moment to remind Charles Rangel to go back and reread (or read for the first time) the document he has sworn to uphold. We'd also like to point out that we're barely out of the gate and the Democrats are already pissing a lot of people off! Between the leadership elections and now this...not a great way to start things off.

UPDATE #1: And in case anyone out there doubts the Republicans will take this and RUN with it, trying to convince voters that the DEMOCRATIC PARTY as a whole wants to reinstate the draft, please take a look at Bearing Drift and Hampton Roads Politics two blogs I found already attacking the party for Rangel's insane proposal. I'm sure the GOP as a whole will be on national TV tomorrow attacking the entire Democratic party.


Anonymous said...

Wow...I didn’t really expect to see that end of the Democratic Party (the far left a.k.a the insane end) to show there face so soon. I thought that we’d have to wait at least a year for the really crazy stuff to come out. Fortunately for you and I, something like that wouldn’t pass. The only way I could see that bill passing is if we adding N. Korea or Iran into the “War on Terror” equation [militarily]. If a draft were to happen, I don’t think that it will happen anytime soon, at least not until we are out of Iraq. This should be a very interesting 2 years.

Terry Carter said...

I'd hardly say this is something coming from the "far left," and I certainly wouldn't call the far left "the insane end." I do however think Charlie Rangal is INSANE.

J.R.Hoeft said...

Well said. :-)

Anonymous said...

I had to read this twice before I was convinced it wasn't parody.

Your heart might be in the right place, Terry, but this kind of knee-jerk response is some stupid shit.

His name is Charles Rangel, not Rangal. The man was given a bronze star in the Korean War. And when young Americans and foreign civilians die in meaningless wars that Americans casually endorse as they drive Hummers and watch TV....this kind of tactic can bring the reality of war home.

And bring an end to it.

Of course, if you only care about saving your own skin, and not that of anyone else, by all means go on trumpeting your brave defiance. It's real impressive.

Terry Carter said...

Thanks for pointing out the spelling error, and it has been fixed. However, I am not endorsing this war, or ANY other war, so save the lecture. Did you happen to read the NAME of my blog? I'm not some Republican flying off the handle. I'm a DEMOCRAT and Charlie Rangel is not going to "bring the reality" of this war home, nor is he going to prevent anyone from "casually endorsing" it. All he's going to serve to do with this piece of CRAP measure is piss a lot of people off and cause many people (especially moderates) to question ever voting for Democrats again.

"Of course, if you only care about saving your own skin, and not that of anyone else, by all means go on trumpeting your brave defiance. It's real impressive."

Save my own skin? No, I live in America. My government is not supposed to enforce it's will upon me. Our military is one of volunteers and therefore it is more effective. I'm sorry you don't agree, and I'm also sorry you can't disagree without throwing around juvenile insults that hold absolutely no water.

Next please.

Wilton said...

I bet this bill won't get more than 5 votes. :-)

Terry Carter said...

Agreed, Wilton. And thanks for stopping by. I suppose I should clarify that I'm not *mad* so much about the 'possibility' of this passing, as I am upset Charlie Rangel would propose this and make a LOT of people angry. Us Democrats need to be VERY careful what we do, as I saw posted somewhere else it's almost as if we're on "probation" and we need to consider everything we say, and everything that gets proposed very carefully. Things like this to "make a point" AREN'T going to gain us any "brownie" points...

Anonymous said...

or. this bill won't even come out of committee. So says majority-leader elect Hoyah.

Anonymous said...

You don't seem to be very well informed or capable of dealing with complicated issues.

In fact, I more than half suspect this is a troll blog. No self-respecting liberal or progressive would call himself a "Liberal Progressive."

Terry Carter said...

Touche Maestro, I MORE THAN HALF expect your comment is a troll. Care to explain your position or do you also wish to be a worthless degenerate?