Tuesday, November 07, 2006


Basically, SBE and CNN have SWAPPED from earlier. SBE is now showing a closer race than CNN. At 9:51, the SBE has it like so:
G F Allen Republican 969,161 49.46% J H Webb Jr Democratic 966,881 49.34% G G Parker Independent Green 21,724 1.11% Write Ins 1,841 0.09%

CNN has it: Allen - 935,665 50% Webb - 905,801 49% Parker - 20,521 1%

Still not sure about these numbers since both have them so vastly apart. Although CNN has only about 83 percent in, and the SBE is showing around 87 percent.

Next update will come when 95-100 percent of ALL votes are in according to SBE.

Elsewhere, the Democrats have picked up RI, OH, and PA. They need 2 more to equalize the Senate, or 3 more to take control.

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