Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Still too close to call!

About 95.5 percent of precincts have been counted and George Allen is currently ahead by about .5 percent, or roughly 13,000 votes. This number is CONSTANTLY changing and is different on any site you look at. After MUCH confusion earlier about what was going on, I'm sticking with SBE so the numbers I'm reporting in this thread ARE SBE. Gail Parker is currently running with about 1.1 percent of the vote or roughly almost 25,000 votes. I was close to calling this for Allen about 30-45 minutes ago but after looking at the precincts left to be counted, I realized they are ALL trending to Webb, most notably 25 percent of the precincts in RVA which still need to be counted. Also PW, Loudon, Arlington, Norfolk, and Newport News are still out, all of which have been trending Democrat SO FAR tonight. I can however project, that unfortunately all 3 ballots measures will pass.

No real MAJOR news elsewhere in the country. Polls close in many Western states in about 2 minutes though.

I'll update more when around 98-100 percent is in.

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