Friday, December 08, 2006

Daily RunDown: Brownback mountain heads to jail; Foley still scares us; and McKinney is still batshit crazy

Senator Brownback Mountain heads to jail to in an effort to highlight the success of faith based initiatives (If someone could explain this to me I'd really appreciate it). - CNN via Wonkette

George 'Macaca Morals' Allen spent twice as much to LOSE! - Richmond Times Dispatch | West of Shockoe

House leaders exposed pages to dangerous sex predator Mark Foley, neglected to protect them. - CNN

Only three PS3s put into circulation; Wii outselling. - AFP

Democrats and Republicans alike, all together now: CYNTHIA MCKINNEY, PLEASE SHUT THE $%#@ UP! - Associated Press

Have a great weekend everybody! I'll be spending the first half of the weekend in Washington, DC! :)


Mosquito said...

If Cynthia McKinney is CRAZY then so are the 51% of Americans who believe that President Bush needs to undergo hearings to see if he has committed and impeachable offense.

We need voices in the Congress speaking for us....I'm thankful Cynthia is rocking the Dem's boat....If the Dems think they can go about playing party politics as usual they are in for a BIG surprise come the next election....their progressive base may fail to support them IF they continue to play Republican Lite....

Terry Carter said...

"We need voices in the Congress speaking for us....I'm thankful Cynthia is rocking the Dem's boat....If the Dems think they can go about playing party politics as usual they are in for a BIG surprise come the next election....their progressive base may fail to support them IF they continue to play Republican Lite...."

Truth. However, you know as well as I that Cynthia McKinney is a nut. A last minute effort to impeach the President just to make headlines is likeable to Charlie Rangel "rocking the boat" by asking to reinstitute the draft. NEITHER ONE of these stupid, asinine efforts are going to do ANYTHING more than give the right wing more fire power.

Mosquito said...

Terry...She won't be able to rock the boat after this week and with both Pelosi AND Conyers talking that BS that Impeachment is off the table...McKinney is doing what she can to put it on the much as she can.

LOL...I really haven't "met" Cynthia McKinney face to face so I can't say she's batshit crazy. I know the "hype" that comes down...but then maybe you know something I don't....


Terry Carter said...

I haven't met her, and I don't want to either. However, I think she's obviously crazy, and her proposal to impeach Bush didn't do anything but draw fire against the Democrats as a whole from the righties.