Saturday, May 12, 2007

Week in review: Mir geht's gut!

Alex Davis wants you to know he loves guns and totally has the hots for Jesus, also claims to know some gay people.

Wonkette demonstrates how to fill a news hole.

CNN International plays sick joke on the entire planet.

DC Metro to provide free circus act entertainment at subway stations across the imperial District!

The New Dominion doesn't like being called a bigot for giving preference to whites over all other races.

Gay hater Tommy Thompson needs to terminate the entirety of his incompetent staff


Unknown said...

Anybody who calls SWAC Girl on her bullshit gets props from me!

Terry Carter said...

..thanks (I think), but I never even referenced or linked to Swac Girl in this post, lol?

Unknown said...

No, that was somewhere else, but it led me here, where you mentioned Alex Davis, and it's all the same: SWAC Girl, Maxfield, whatever.